Enhance banking systems to digitalize using advanced artificial intelligence techniques in emerging markets

Enhance banking systems to digitalize using advanced artificial intelligence techniques in emerging markets


  • Sreedhar Yalamati


This research paper explores the transformative potential of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in catalyzing the digitalization of banking systems within emerging markets. As these markets experience rapid technological advancements, there is a growing imperative to enhance traditional banking structures by leveraging AI innovations. The study investigates the multifaceted impact of AI on various facets of banking operations, including customer interactions, risk management, fraud detection, and overall operational efficiency. Through a comprehensive analysis of AI-driven strategies and implementations in emerging market contexts, the research aims to provide insights into the opportunities, challenges, and strategic considerations for financial institutions seeking to embrace digital transformation. The findings of this study contribute to the broader discourse on the role of AI in reshaping banking ecosystems, particularly in regions experiencing dynamic economic and technological growth.


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How to Cite

Yalamati, S. (2023). Enhance banking systems to digitalize using advanced artificial intelligence techniques in emerging markets. International Scientific Journal for Research, 5(5), 1–24. Retrieved from https://isjr.co.in/index.php/ISJR/article/view/203


