Intelligent Security Solutions for Business Rules Management Systems: An Agent-Based Perspective

Intelligent Security Solutions for Business Rules Management Systems: An Agent-Based Perspective


  • Naga Ramesh Palakurti


This research paper explores an innovative perspective on enhancing Business Rules Management Systems (BRMS) through intelligent security solutions, with a focus on an agent-based approach. The proposed system, named AgentGuard, introduces a proactive framework for securing BRMS, aiming to mitigate vulnerabilities and ensure robust rule management. The abstract delves into the integration of intelligent agents within the BRMS, outlining their role in dynamically adapting security measures based on real-time threats and system dynamics. By incorporating intelligent agents, the research seeks to establish a more resilient and adaptive security infrastructure for business rule management, addressing contemporary challenges in information security within organizational contexts.


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How to Cite

Palakurti, N. R. (2024). Intelligent Security Solutions for Business Rules Management Systems: An Agent-Based Perspective. International Scientific Journal for Research, 6(6), 1–20. Retrieved from


