India's Health Sector Crisis

India's Health Sector Crisis


  • Aditya Kumar


The COVID-19 epidemic is causing troubles for everyone in the world, which is unforeseen for each nation. Humans are causing environmental damage, thus they should be prepared for similar pandemics in the future as well. To combat pandemics like COVID-19 in the future, they should invest more in the health sector if they are abusing the environment. However, the situation in India is quite concerning since we spend just 1.15% of our GDP on the health sector. Even in the contemporary day, one cannot anticipate a medical scenario like this in a hamlet or isolated place. It divides India into two halves, 'India' for the urban region and 'Bharat' for the rural area. Instead of seeing health in a binary fashion,


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How to Cite

Kumar, A. (2022). India’s Health Sector Crisis. Transactions on Recent Developments in Health Sectors, 5(5). Retrieved from


