Knowledge of E-Health by Med Techs in Developing Nations

Knowledge of E-Health by Med Techs in Developing Nations


  • Raejnder alagh


Information and communication technologies (ICT) are seen to offer a possible alternative to tackle some of the challenging issues facing the developing world's healthcare industry. A successful integration of this new technology depends on health practitioners having the necessary knowledge, abilities, and acceptance of e-health. This study looks at the e-health knowledge medical students in Sri Lanka have. We also looked at the challenges they face when trying to integrate information and skills about e-health into their medical education. All 136 students in the last year of the Faculty of Medicine at Sri Jayewardenepura University in Sri Lanka received a questionnaire on their knowledge of and attitudes toward e-health. 100 surveys were filled up and returned, or 74% of them.


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How to Cite

alagh, R. (2022). Knowledge of E-Health by Med Techs in Developing Nations. International Transactions in Machine Learning, 4(4). Retrieved from


