Enhancing Scalability and Security in LoRaWAN Networks: A Comprehensive Analysis of Emerging Techniques and Protocols
LoRaWAN has emerged as a leading technology for low-power, wide-area networks (LPWANs), enabling robust communication for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. However, as the adoption of LoRaWAN grows, challenges related to scalability and security become increasingly critical. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the latest techniques and protocols aimed at enhancing the scalability and security of LoRaWAN networks. We examine the limitations of current LoRaWAN implementations, including network congestion and vulnerabilities to various attacks. The paper reviews recent advancements in adaptive data rate algorithms, multi-gateway deployments, and enhanced security mechanisms such as end-to-end encryption and secure key management. Through simulations and real-world experiments, we evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques in improving network performance and resilience. Our findings highlight the potential of these innovations to support the growing demands of IoT applications while ensuring secure and reliable communication.
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