The Internet of Things Approach to Improved Acoustic Comfort and Workplace Health

The Internet of Things Approach to Improved Acoustic Comfort and Workplace Health


  • pooja makan


Noise pollution has a significant influence on workplace health and well-being. Environmental noise has the most important influence on speed, quality, and production. Furthermore, several studies link ambient noise to an increase in artery pressure. As a result, ambient noise is a crucial concern for public health, and sound monitoring must be used within buildings because people spend the majority of their time indoors. Real-time sound monitoring allows for the compilation of a substantial dataset for decision-making on potential treatments for improved occupational health. This study describes an Internet of Things method to real-time sound monitoring. The key contribution is to propose a low-cost solution comprised of a cyber-physical data gathering device and web software for data display.


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How to Cite

makan, pooja. (2022). The Internet of Things Approach to Improved Acoustic Comfort and Workplace Health. Transactions on Recent Developments in Health Sectors, 5(5). Retrieved from


