Country India's Miracle Express Hospital Express

Country India's Miracle Express Hospital Express


  • Anumaan Kumar


It is important to acknowledge that India's medical services sector is a growing influence in Southeast Asia. This industry contributes significantly to the national GDP. Contrary to popular belief, India's rural areas have always lacked access to even basic medical care. It was previously difficult for India to gain ground through innovation because of this massive disparity. The majority of people in India, which is still developing, live in rural areas where access to and availability of high-quality healthcare are frequently both problematic. A programme like Lifeline Express (LLE) has given the populace access to high-quality healthcare when it has been desperately required. Though it is a relatively straightforward concept, carrying it out is tremendously difficult.


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How to Cite

Kumar, A. (2022). Country India’s Miracle Express Hospital Express. Transactions on Recent Developments in Health Sectors, 5(5). Retrieved from


