A Review of Technological Advancements in Retail Supply Chain Management

A Review of Technological Advancements in Retail Supply Chain Management


  • Pankaj Kapoor


With the retail industry expanding, Supply Chain has grown in importance. Customers have a diverse range of brands and items to select from, boosting brand rivalry. To remain at the top, every business must have a safe, efficient, and dependable Supply Chain infrastructure in place. A strong supply chain system guarantees that things are delivered quickly, in good shape, at the appropriate time, and at the correct place. This helps shops to provide excellent customer service, hence expanding their client base and maintaining existing consumers. If a corporation fails to satisfy its clients, it will suffer a loss while benefiting another. 


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How to Cite

Kapoor, P. (2021). A Review of Technological Advancements in Retail Supply Chain Management. Transactions on Recent Developments in Health Sectors, 4(4). Retrieved from https://isjr.co.in/index.php/TRDHS/article/view/44


