a procedure for long-term observation of each building inhabitant and their surroundings


  • Nirja Kumar


Buildings use over 40% of the energy consumed in the European Union, therefore improving energy efficiency is necessary to lessen the impact of urbanised civilizations on the planet. Because airtightness and air circulation must be compromised in energy-efficient structures, building occupants' comfort, health, and/or welfare may suffer. Monitoring Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) is therefore necessary to understand how it affects occupants and, ultimately, to redefine value within building performance criteria. An individualised study design would allow researchers to learn more about how environmental changes affect people in order to develop more focused therapies for their health or more complex and effective building designs, for example (s).



How to Cite

Kumar, N. (2018). a procedure for long-term observation of each building inhabitant and their surroundings. Transactions on Recent Developments in Health Sectors, 1(1). Retrieved from https://isjr.co.in/index.php/TRDHS/article/view/31


