Embedded Health Assessment Using Automated Health Alerts from In-Home Sensor Data

Embedded Health Assessment Using Automated Health Alerts from In-Home Sensor Data


  • Prabhat Asso


We give an illustration of discreet, ongoing home monitoring that may be used to detect early health changes. Environmental sensors record patterns of behaviour and activity. Pattern alterations are noted as possible indicators of altering health. The findings of a pilot research looking at 22 characteristics gleaned from in-home sensor data are first presented. Then, a clinician in a senior living facility received health alerts created by a 1-D alert algorithm. Clinicians evaluate each warning and provide a score based on its clinical applicability. Then, in order to train and test classifiers, these ratings are utilised as the basis for comparison. Here, we outline the methodology for four categorization strategies that combine data from many sensors. 


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How to Cite

Asso, P. (2022). Embedded Health Assessment Using Automated Health Alerts from In-Home Sensor Data. International Transactions in Machine Learning, 4(4). Retrieved from https://isjr.co.in/index.php/ITML/article/view/95


