Analysis of Machine Learning's Performance Big Data Classification Algorithms

Analysis of Machine Learning's Performance Big Data Classification Algorithms


  • Kanika Alag


In general, three machine learning classification methods are used to glean connections, obscure patterns, and other valuable knowledge from various massive data sets. Today, unstructured data is gathered through social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many more. Unstructured data must be transformed into structured data, or useful information, which is a highly laborious process. Unstructured data is transformed into structured data using various machine learning classification techniques. In this study, the authors employ a Twitter application programme interface (API) stream to first gather the unstructured research data from a popular social media network (Twitter).


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How to Cite

Alag, K. (2019). Analysis of Machine Learning’s Performance Big Data Classification Algorithms. International Transactions in Machine Learning, 1(1). Retrieved from


