Workplace Acceptance of Mental Health Risk Monitoring Systems

Workplace Acceptance of Mental Health Risk Monitoring Systems


  • Sohib Ulasi


High levels of mental burden can lead to an inability to meet employment demands, raise the risk of major mental and physical health problems, and contribute to long-term sick leave or early retirement. Monitoring health risk variables with psychophysiological assessment methods can help people become more aware of changes in their vital signs and optimal individual workload range. However, perceived utility and acceptability are required for the introduction of such technologies in the workplace. As a result, a study was done to gain insight into how psychosocial demands at work affect the perceived utility of mental health risk monitoring systems, as well as how this influences behavioural intention to use such systems.


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How to Cite

Ulasi, S. (2022). Workplace Acceptance of Mental Health Risk Monitoring Systems. International Transactions in Artificial Intelligence, 6(6). Retrieved from


